macro_rules! def_resource {
( $( $(#[$attr:meta])* $vis:vis static $name:ident: $ty:ty = $default:expr; )+ ) => { ... };
Expand description
Defines a resource that managed by AxNamespace
Each resource will be collected into the axns_resource
section. When
accessed, it is either dereferenced from the global namespace or the
thread-local namespace according to the thread-local
use axns::ResArc;
axns::def_resource! {
static FOO: u32 = 42;
static BAR: ResArc<String> = ResArc::new();
BAR.init_new("hello world".to_string());
assert_eq!(*FOO, 42);
assert_eq!(BAR.as_str(), "hello world");
mod imp {
use axns::{AxNamespace, AxNamespaceIf};
struct ResArcImpl;
impl AxNamespaceIf for ResArcImpl {
fn current_namespace_base() -> *mut u8 {