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//! Provides the corresponding malloc(size_t) and free(size_t) when using the C user program.
//! The normal malloc(size_t) and free(size_t) are provided by the library malloc.h, and
//! sys_brk is used internally to apply for memory from the kernel. But in a unikernel like
//! `ArceOS`, we noticed that the heap of the Rust user program is shared with the kernel. In
//! order to maintain consistency, C user programs also choose to share the kernel heap,
//! skipping the sys_brk step.
use alloc::alloc::{alloc, dealloc};
use core::alloc::Layout;
use core::ffi::c_void;
use crate::ctypes;
struct MemoryControlBlock {
size: usize,
const CTRL_BLK_SIZE: usize = core::mem::size_of::<MemoryControlBlock>();
/// Allocate memory and return the memory address.
/// Returns 0 on failure (the current implementation does not trigger an exception)
pub unsafe extern "C" fn malloc(size: ctypes::size_t) -> *mut c_void {
// Allocate `(actual length) + 8`. The lowest 8 Bytes are stored in the actual allocated space size.
// This is because free(uintptr_t) has only one parameter representing the address,
// So we need to save in advance to know the size of the memory space that needs to be released
let layout = Layout::from_size_align(size + CTRL_BLK_SIZE, 8).unwrap();
unsafe {
let ptr = alloc(layout).cast::<MemoryControlBlock>();
assert!(!ptr.is_null(), "malloc failed");
ptr.write(MemoryControlBlock { size });
/// Deallocate memory.
/// (WARNING) If the address to be released does not match the allocated address, an error should
/// occur, but it will NOT be checked out. This is due to the global allocator `Buddy_system`
/// (currently used) does not check the validity of address to be released.
pub unsafe extern "C" fn free(ptr: *mut c_void) {
if ptr.is_null() {
let ptr = ptr.cast::<MemoryControlBlock>();
assert!(ptr as usize > CTRL_BLK_SIZE, "free a null pointer");
unsafe {
let ptr = ptr.sub(1);
let size =;
let layout = Layout::from_size_align(size + CTRL_BLK_SIZE, 8).unwrap();
dealloc(ptr.cast(), layout)