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//! Networking primitives for TCP/UDP communication.
//! This module provides networking functionality for the Transmission Control and User
//! Datagram Protocols, as well as types for IP and socket addresses.
//! # Organization
//! * [`TcpListener`] and [`TcpStream`] provide functionality for communication over TCP
//! * [`UdpSocket`] provides functionality for communication over UDP
//! * [`IpAddr`] represents IP addresses of either IPv4 or IPv6; [`Ipv4Addr`] and
//! [`Ipv6Addr`] are respectively IPv4 and IPv6 addresses
//! * [`SocketAddr`] represents socket addresses of either IPv4 or IPv6; [`SocketAddrV4`]
//! and [`SocketAddrV6`] are respectively IPv4 and IPv6 socket addresses
//! * [`ToSocketAddrs`] is a trait that is used for generic address resolution when interacting
//! with networking objects like [`TcpListener`], [`TcpStream`] or [`UdpSocket`]
mod socket_addr;
mod tcp;
mod udp;
pub use self::socket_addr::{IpAddr, Ipv4Addr, Ipv6Addr};
pub use self::socket_addr::{SocketAddr, SocketAddrV4, SocketAddrV6, ToSocketAddrs};
pub use self::tcp::{TcpListener, TcpStream};
pub use self::udp::UdpSocket;
use crate::io;
fn each_addr<A: ToSocketAddrs, F, T>(addr: A, mut f: F) -> io::Result<T>
F: FnMut(io::Result<&SocketAddr>) -> io::Result<T>,
let addrs = match addr.to_socket_addrs() {
Ok(addrs) => addrs,
Err(e) => return f(Err(e)),
let mut last_err = None;
for addr in addrs {
match f(Ok(&addr)) {
Ok(l) => return Ok(l),
Err(e) => last_err = Some(e),
Err(last_err.unwrap_or_else(|| {
axerrno::ax_err_type!(InvalidInput, "could not resolve to any addresses")